Regalo Especial
Pago De Carraovejas
Gueyu Mar Bonito Del Norte In Olive 150grs
Gueyu Mar Pate De Navaja 79 Grs
Casa Riera Fuet Al Vacio 190 Grs
Coalla Crackiss Tradicional 250 Grs
Kankel Chocolate De Cafe 75 Gr
In case of lack of stock of any product in the basket, it will be replaced by a similar one of equal or higher value.
For a correct delivery of the shipments to the destination, we strongly request that you provide us with the complete details of the recipient, including a contact telephone number.
If you want a specific delivery date, indicate it to us in the "comment" field in the shopping cart.
This basket contains items subject to different VAT rates. Here is the breakdown for your convenience:
Amount without VAT = €92
VAT 10% = €3.49
VAT 21% = €9.51
Total VAT = €13
Total product VAT INCLUDED = €105
This basket contains items subject to different types of VAT. Here's the breakdown for your convenience:
Amount without VAT = €92
VAT 10% = €3.49
VAT 21% = €9.51
Total VAT = €13
Total product VAT INCLUDED = €105